

Question: Why I cann't register, login on your website?
Answer: This was caused by your internet security setting, or cookies, please reset the IE setting to default. 

Question: Why I cann't see my left message on your website?
Answer: Message should be approved by web administrator and then released.

Question: Why no response when I clicked the "order" button?
Answer: The shopping cart is a popup window, please check if your IE setting forbided popup window.

Question: Can I save my shopping cart and make the payment next time?
Answer: You can come for payment at any time within the login duration date. Or you can stow the items and add to your favourite.

Question: I have messaged to the administrator, why no response?
Answer: Administrator can not reply visitor's message. Please register as a member and then message us, we'll reply you immediately.

Question: How to find some products fastly?
Answer: You can use the top navigations, or use the left product classifications, or use the top-left advanced search to find your favourites.


Question: How can I make the payment?
Answer: Click the left "payment", you can find our account infomation and transfer the payment to us. Or you may pay by check to "COMPANY NAME".

Question: What should I do after the payment?
Amswer: Please inform us by telephone, fax, Email or web message and let us know the payment time, payto bank, pay amount, your contact info and we'll check and arrange the delivery for you.

Add help information
Administrator login -> “综合设置”——“网站帮助信息”——“常见问题”右边的“编辑内容”,然后在编辑区域的表格底部添加新的内容。可通过鼠标右键快捷的插入一行表格。